ion Education Help Site

Viewing Schools

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Choosing the School to View

Schools available to your account are listed in the purple "School" drop-down on the top-right hand corner of every screen.  If you are assigned to multiple schools, you will have an option for "All Schools."

Access to schools is based on permission settings.  To learn more, see Managing Users.

1. Click the School drop-down to display a list of available schools.

2. Click on desired school.

Troubleshooting Tips for Viewing Data in Schools

1.  A school should appear in the purple box.  If it is blank and nothing drops down, then there is a permission setting that needs to be adjusted to allow access to the schools.  

2. If students and data are not populating, check to make certain you are in the correct school. For example, when accessing a high school data wall, make sure you are in the high school and not the elementary or middle school.

3. When creating data walls, do not use the "All Schools" access.  Some features (such as course selections) may not populate correctly.

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