ion Education Help Site

Managing Students

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You must be a District Administrator to perform this task.

If your district uses an automated import, any changes you make to student records will likely be overwritten the next time the student import runs.

To manage students for your school, navigate to "Admin > Students" in the main menu.

The "Manage Students" tool is school specific. To manage students for another building, use the school selector on the toolbar.

1. Viewing Students

Students on the "Manage Students" tool are organized by last name. Click the first letter of a student's last name to narrow down the list of available students. Click the desired student's name to view their profile.

When selected, a student's demographic profile will be displayed. Additional student data will be displayed below the demographic profile. You may make changes to the demographic profile, and click "Save."

The "Student Data" panel displays Assessment, Attendance, Behavior, Custom, Grades and Schedule data.

District Admins may delete or modify certain data within the Student Data panel.

2. Adding Students

To add a new student, click the "new" button in the "tools" panel.

Fill in the student's demographics in the "Student Demographics" panel.

When finished, click "Save."

Please note: The "Student Number" field is a key field that connects students across systems (SIS, Assessment, etc). This field must exactly match the Student Number used in any other system.

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