Individual Student Cases
The individual student case has several functions.
- The Case Timeline allows users to review past and current decisions.
- The Individual Case Icons allow users to
- Record meeting notes
- Schedule a new / follow up meeting
- Assign Tasks
- Take Attendance
- Upload a File
- Manage the case - Assigning Case Statuses, Tiers, Priority, Progress Indicators and Focus Areas - these items require set up in the Case Management Dictionary
The Case Timeline populates whenever a user accesses an individual case. Here, team members can review past and current decisions. Items will populate "most recent" at the top.
The following functions are available for the timeline
1. The filter option can toggle on/off items from the timeline
2. Anything hyperlinked can be viewed by clicking on it. Pops up will allow users to view the information without leaving the individual case. Click close to return to the main individual case.
Use the icons to perform several functions within the student's case:
1. Profile - Clicking the profile icon will generate a pop up of the student profile for review. When finished, click close to return.
2. Meeting Icon Notes Tab - The meeting icon will generate two tabs. The first tab allows users to record meeting notes and assign tasks. If you have created a meeting template, it will populate. Otherwise, ion's default template will populate. Follow the screensteps links and / or access this VIDEO to learn more about scheduling and conducting Student Meetings.
Follow these steps to successfully save meeting notes:
- Enter the date. Meeting notes can be lost without a date to attach to.
- One person takes notes for a student at a time. ion meeting notes do not function like a Google document.
Meeting notes cannot be submitted until "auto save" is turned off.
- Leave auto save on while taking notes.
- Turn off when complete to submit. See images below.
3. Meeting Icon Tools Tab - The meeting icon will generate two tabs. The second tab is labeled "Meeting Tools." Here, there are a couple of functions available:
- Attendance. Click in the box labeled "staff member" and enter the first few letters of a staff name and click on the name when it populates. For a "non-staff" member, enter the name and click the "+" icon.
- Other actions here are assigning the Case Status, a Progress Indicator and Assign a Task. Case Status and Progress Indicator are also on the Manage Icon.
- Assign Task also populates in Meeting Notes and the Task Icon.
4. Schedule - If you would like to schedule a follow up meeting, this icon allows you to access a pop up to schedule a meeting without leaving the individual case. Follow the prompts. Click close to return to the individual case management system. See Student Meetings for more information.
5. Note - Click this icon to add a note to a student case.
6. Task - Click this icon to assign a task to a staff member. This function is more thoroughly explained in Tasks .
7. File - Click this icon to upload a file to a student's individual case. Follow the prompts.
8. Manage Case Controls - Click this icon to manage a student's case. In this box, all of the dictionary items that were set up will drop down to select.
Click the drop down to select / change the status, tier, priority, progress indicator, or focus area.
To add a case management team, click on the plus icon. Choose the staff member from the drop down and then assign the role.
Only one staff member can be a case manager. Several staff can be selected to be team members.
- To change the case manager, click the "+" icon, select the new staff member, and select case manager. All changes in Case control are viewable on the time line.