ion Education Help Site

Understanding a Skill's Components

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What do all the bars, and lines, and charts and stuff on a Skill Page mean? Let's dig in. We've divided up this article into sections - to keep it simple.

1. The Chart

On a skill chart, there are several critical pieces of information. This information may (or may not) all appear, depending on how the skill and the underlying dictionaries were set up.

  1. The blue line (and data points) on the skill chart represent the scores on the progress monitor defined for this skill.
  2. The purple dashed line represents the trend line for the skill's progress monitoring scores.
  3. A solid green line denotes a goal for the skill.
  4. A dashed green line denotes an inactive goal for a skill.
  5. Pink data points (with connecting line, when available) represent accuracy on measures which record accuracy.
  6. A diamond data point represents that this score is a benchmark.
  7. When available, normative percentiles will display as diagonal color bands on the chart. By default, they chart fall to spring growth at the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles. (0-25: Red, 26-50: Yellow, 50-75: Blue).
  8. Intervention periods are indicated by vertical bands (colors will change per intervention).
  9. When a baseline score is entered, it will be indicated by a red dotted line.

Did You Know: You can zoom in on an area of the skill chart by drawing a box around the data you'd like to view with your mouse.  To reset the view, click "Reset Zoom" on the top right hand corner of the chart.

1.1. What's the difference between "Benchmark" and "Baseline."

Benchmark: in ion, we consider benchmarks to be critical testing periods.  For example, Fall, Winter or Spring. Often times, the use of the benchmark flag will be used in conjunction with a screening assessment that is also being used for progress monitoring.

Baseline: ion considers a baseline score to be the starting point of a skill. Typical definitions are recognized.

Can a Benchmark be a Baseline?
Yes, of course.  And a baseline can be a benchmark.

When should I use either?
It's really up to you as the user.

2. Skill Summary

The skill summary panel contains four key pieces of information, as well as two function buttons that may be available - depending on permission levels.

  1. The skill summary statement simply states the grade level and progress monitoring measure being used for the given skill.
  2. The Goal ROI is the target rate of improvement for the defined goal period. Goals have a start and end date to calculate target rate of improvement - when necessary. The Goal ROI takes into account all PM data points that overlap with the goal line.
  3. The Skill ROI is the overall rate of improvement for the skill. This calculation takes into consideration all PM data points for the given skill.
  4. Intervention ROI calculates the rate of improvement during the most recently active intervention.

For users with proper permissions, there are two buttons at the top of the panel. The first (yellow) button locks the skill. Locking the skill prevents any actions from being taken on any sub-elements of the skill (Goals, Progress Monitors, Interventions).  The second button permanently deletes the skill (and any intervention, progress monitoring or goal data) from the plan record. Use with caution.


3. Progress Monitoring Panel

1. The progress monitoring panel lists (in reverse date order) all progress monitoring activities recorded for a given skill. When available, Date, # Attempted, # Correct, Accuracy and Percentile is displayed.

2. Users with proper permissions are able to edit and / or permanently remove progress monitors from the skill record.

3. To add a new progress monitor record, click the green (+) icon in the top right hand corner of the panel.

4. Goal Panel

1. The goal panel contains two tabs - one for "Current" goals - goals which are currently active. Any historical goals will be on the "Archived" tab.

2. Users with proper permissions have the ability to lock (green lock icon), permanently delete the goal (red trash icon), edit the goal, or copy the goal.

Archived goals will appear on the skill chart as dashed lines, while the active goal will appear on the chart as a solid green line.  This is represented on the Skill Chart.

Each skill may only have one active goal at a time.

If you need more than one goal for a skill, it is possible that your skill definition is not specific enough. Consider clarifying your skill dictionary.

5. Intervention Panel

1. The intervention panel lists all active and archived interventions for the given skill.

2. Users with proper permissions will be able to lock or delete an intervention from this panel.

3. Users with proper permissions will also be able to add interventions to a skill record by clicking the green (+) icon in the top right hand corner of the panel.

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