An intervention is the intensive instruction provided to students to learn the skills.
The intervention dictionary will store the interventions for the districts. Staff will select the intervention to be used in an intervention group from a drop down linked to the library.
Intervention Dictionary
You must have ion district administrator privileges to perform this task.
To manage the skills available to a user in ion, navigate your browser to "Admin > Dictionaries > Intervention Dictionary."
Adding a new Intervention
To add a new Intervention, click the "Plus" icon in the top right corner of the Interventions panel.
Complete the fields in the "Setup" panel that appears. Click the "Disk" icon in the top right corner of the Setup panel.
Delete an existing Intervention
You cannot delete an intervention that has been assigned to a student. you can, however, disable that intervention, preventing it from being used in plans.
To delete or disable an Intervention, click the red "trash" icon that corresponds with the intervention you wish to delete. You will be prompted to confirm your choice.