ion Education Help Site

Behavior Reports

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To access a a behavior dashboard, click Data>Reports>Behavior

Behavior Dashboards pull behavior information from a district's Student Information System (SIS) or the ion behavior referral system.   Districts can filter information.


Permission settings will determine information that users will see on the dashboard.

1. "Behavior Event Totals" will populate according to the "Years" selected.  Choose one or more years.

2. Use the "Filter" option to click on any of the items below it (except "Event List").

3. "Event List"- click on the hyperlinked option to view more detail of the event.

4. "Hamburger Button" Clicking this button allows users to view, print, and download.

5. "Race" /"Disaggregated" - if these designations are populating from a district's SIS, then they will populate here.  Contact Customer Support if there are questions about this.

6. "Behavior Events Distribution" - This chart will reflect how many students have a specific number of events.

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