ion Education Help Site

Case Management Dictionary / Setup Guide

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Turn on Case Management

Only those with Administrative access can set up the Case Management module.

Those with access will see the "Admin" drop down on the menu bar. For more information, see Administrative Tasks.

ion recommends that your team receives training on setup and operation of Case Management before using this module.  Contact Customer Support for training.

To activate the case management system

1. Click on Admin>Dictionaries>Case Management

2. Toggle "Enable Case Management" to ON.

Dictionaries in Case Management

These are the basic guidelines to filling out dictionaries.  For more on each specific dictionary item, scroll down.

  1. Enter text in the text box.
  2. Click "Save" to save the information entered into the text box.  
  3. Click "New" to clear the text box and enter another option.
  4. Select "Default" for the option ion should use whenever the item is a new case.
  5. For Status only - choose Closed if the status option is a closed option.  

Dictionary options are viewed in two places:  Case Management Dashboard and Individual Cases:

Caution while building the library...

Once an item has been saved, it can not be deleted.  It can, however, be edited.  Click on the item to be edited, edit in the text box and click Save.

For those wanting to operate Case Management immediately to run Student Meetings...

(1) Enter and save a Closed Status

(2) Select Schedule Meeting from the items in Open Case On Event.

  • Remember, although other items can be added / edited later, THEY CANNOT BE DELETED (see warning above).
  1. Status - Open is already provided.  Add Closed and any other options that work for your district. Choose Closed if the option is a closed option. Status choices will populate in the Individual Student Case and they are sortable on the Case Management Dashboard.
  2. Reasons for Close - If using Reasons for Close, enter in this box any reasons the district uses to close a case.  Once a case is closed in the Individual Student Case, a box will populate to choose a Reason for Close.  (See both images below marked "2.")
  3. Priority - If you would like to set a priority for a case, enter those here.  These choices will populate in the Individual Student Case and they are sortable on the Case Management Dashboard.
  4. Tier -  If you would like to enter tier levels for cases, enter those here. These choices will populate in the Individual Student Case and they are sortable on the Case Management Dashboard.
  5. Roles -  Case Manager has already been created.   If you would like to create other roles for a case, enter those here.  Roles are assigned in the Individual Student Case and they are sortable on the Case Management Dashboard.  
  6. Progress Indicators - If you would like to set up progress indicators for a case, enter those here. These choices will populate in the Individual Student Case and they are sortable on the Case Management Dashboard.
  7. Focus Areas - If you would like to create focus areas for a case, enter those here.  These choices will populate in the Individual Student Case and they are sortable on the Case Management Dashboard.
  8. Open Case On Event - In this area, select one or more options which will automatically open a case.   To select more than one option, use Ctrl+Click.
  9. Meeting Template -  A default template already exists in the Individual Student Case for Student Meetings.  If there is a template entered here, then the system will default to this meeting template.  If the district would prefer to use a different template for Student Meetings, contact customer support to request it.  

Below are examples from our demo case management system that is used for demonstration AND testing.

Case Management Permission Settings

Those with Administrative access can set user permissions.  For example, permission settings include an option to notify users when a case has been opened.

To learn more, see Managing Permissions

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