ion Education Help Site

How To Progress Monitor with Course Grades

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Prerequisite: You must have an assessment that tracks weekly grades - imported from the SIS.

At times, staff may wish to use weekly course grades as a progress monitoring data point. ion has the ability to import weekly gradebook scores from the Student Information System - and then automatically attach those scores to a student's academic plan. Importing scores from the gradebook is beyond the scope of this document.

  • Set Up the Skill Dictionary
    • A skill must be created to monitor gradebook scores. Typically, scores are imported by department - so a student will have a "Math" score and an "English" score. We recommend following the same naming conventions as the data import.
    • In our example, we have created a skill for Math grades - with a category of "Coursework."
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  • Set Up the CBM Dictionary
    • Once the skill is set up in the Skill Dictionary, it is necessary to set up the CBM dictionary.
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    • Create a new CBM Type by clicking the plus icon. Enter a name (such as "Progress Grades") and click Save.
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    • Create a new CBM Measure by hovering over the cog menu - and clicking the green Plus icon.
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1. Give the measure a name.

2. Choose the source assessment. (This is the assessment that stores the weekly course grades from the SIS).

3. Choose the default skill. This will apply the course grades data to the proper skill within the plan.

4. Select "Weekly Grades" from the Source drop down. This will tell our automated processes to look for this CBM when processing data.


Plan Setup

At this point, you can approach setting up a plan in the typical fashion.

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